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Needle System* : 135X5 (DPX5)

135X5 Needles are also sold under these style numbers :

134,  134R,  135X5,  135X7,  1955,  DPX5,  DPX7,  DPX134, SY1901,  SY1905,  SY195

Sewing machine manufacturers use different needle style numbers for the same exact needles

*A needle system is a group of needles made to fit specific sewing machines. All needles in a system are of the same length and shank size, but are of various diameters. Lower size numbers are narrower or thinner needles used for lighter materials. Higher size numbers indicate a needle of thicker diameter, used for heavier materials. Match your needle system to your machine, then the size of the needle to the product you are sewing. 

135X5 system needles are available in following sizes. Please select your size.

Additional information

Weight 27.78 lbs
Dimensions 22.37 × 10.72 × 7.93 in


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